Episode highlights

How important is the internal target audience from the perspective of the company’s strategy?

The internal audience is critical. Effective implementation of a company’s strategy requires committed employees, and this is where communication comes into the picture. If employees don’t understand the strategy, they may focus on the wrong things or be unsure about the direction of the company. Internal communication is an enabler and a glue that keeps the organization cohesive.

How to conduct effective internal communication?

At its best, internal communication fosters joy and energy at work, builds a shared understanding of common direction and thus contributes to overall wellbeing. Effective internal communication is systematic, flexible, clear and open, and it encourages and enables dialogue in various communication channels. Clear and simple language is also important, without forgetting storytelling and emotional appeal.

Ahlstrom operates globally and has approximately 7,000 employees, 37 factories and 10 languages are in use. How does internal communication take everyone into account?

We have internal communication networks in different countries that consider how messages fit into the local context. We have also paid a lot of attention to the timeliness of the messages, i.e. global info sessions are always held twice, in different time zones. The language should be simple, but visuality is also important. The better we can visually and with key messages convey concepts, the easier the message gets across.

How important is the role of ambassadors in internal communications? Ahlstrom’s President and CEO Helen Mets, for example, has taken on a major role in safety issues.

Ambassadors and networks are a prerequisite for success. Safety is a very important topic for Helen Mets, and by setting an example, she gives the entire organisation permission to prioritise safety. This adds reliability and credibility to the topic. Ambassadors bring positive enthusiasm and create a culture of two-way communication by listening to feedback.

What kind of expertise can a creative agency bring to internal communication?

A strategic partner can help refine messages in a way that makes it easy to build new campaigns and entities on top of them. Cooperation with Brandkind, for example in safety, has been extremely important. We receive strategic support and perspective, and the cooperation enables cost-effective communication in the long run. The concepts, campaigns and visuals designed by Brandkind bring long-term benefits on a global and local level.

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Please note that the podcast is in Finnish.